Activities to Encourage Speaking
To ensure that the children find the classes interesting enough, it is necessary to enhance the interest that emerges from within the student, and that they find usefulness in their daily life, either in a clear and directly practical way or in form of a solid base of knowledge and competences that facilitate them to be able to cope freely in life's challenges and situations. These are some activities that you can apply in classes for speaking skill: Who’s Telling the Truth? Have each student write three facts about themselves that nobody in the class knows on a piece of paper. Make sure each student includes their name on the top of the page. Collect the sheets of paper and bring three students to the front of the room. Read aloud one of the facts that is true for one of these three students. Descriptive drawing activity: Pair up the students and give each student a picture, placing it face down so partners cannot see each other’s cards. They must describe the p...