In the British Council, you can find activities to practice your listening skills, selecting the level, from beginner to advanced. The audios you will find are from different situations and interactive exercises that practice the skills, also the speakers are of different nationalities. Each activity will have a worksheet and homework to complete.
British Council
In the British Council, you can find activities to practice your listening skills, selecting the level, from beginner to advanced. The audios you will find are from different situations and interactive exercises that practice the skills, also the speakers are of different nationalities. Each activity will have a worksheet and homework to complete.
Speechyard is a website where learning English is fun and entertaining, since learning English through movies, series, or books. You can perform various activities such as missing words, build a phase, prepositions, etc .. You can choose the level from elementary to advanced. We can also chat with other people who use the website.
Player FM - Podcast Smarter
Player FM, this website contains the best Podcasts, allows you not only to subscribe to your favorite shows but also to specific topics. We can download it to the cell phone, and it is not necessary to be connected to an internet network. It is important to mention that this is free.
ESL Video
ESL Videooffers free tests, lessons, and online conversation classes for English learners. To start making choose the level, there is from beginning to advanced. so we choose some activity, all the videos have a questionnaire that we must fill out to know if we understood the video, we can also find it in the script for each video.
LyricsTraining is an easy and fun method to learn and improve your skills with other languages such as English through music videos and the lyrics of your favorite songs. You can complete the lyrics of your favorite songs, this helps to learn new vocabulary and expressions and to reinforce grammatical concepts through the continuous exercise of writing the missing words.
EnglishCentral has many topics of interest such as, travel, social, business, academics where we can find videos that are classified in beginners, intermediate, and advances. each topic is divided into units. the videos have subtitles, we can point out the word that we don't know and it gives us meaning, it also gives us vocabulary meanings related to the topic, we can practice speaking with the text of the video, if we say it we can make comments or opinions about of the video with a tutor.
British Council
Since 1934 the British Council has focused on teaching and learning English, on the other hand, this will create new ways of seeing and connecting with each other through the arts and cultures. We can find didactic material to learn English, selecting the level, from beginner to advanced, there you can find activities to practice your speaking skills. The videos will help you remember and use phrases specific to the language since they are interactive, they will focus on real-life situations. Each activity will have tasks to complete.
We Speak NYC
Talkenglish offers basic lessons for speaking English. We find lessons for different situations such as travel, business, or interviews. Each activity will give you phrases or idioms that you can use. I could also find articles that can help you with your speaking.
ReadTheory Improve your reading comprehension in a fun way that keeps students attentive and motivated. The interesting thing about this tool is that the teacher controls the progress of the students but not the activities they do. each student has control over their progress and development, they must complete activities and quizzes. This website is designed for children.
ReadWorks creates world-class, teacher-focused content and built-in tools that improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement in classes. You have countless articles that will help you in various subjects, most of the texts available from audio where you can check the pronunciation of different words. In addition, some texts are accompanied by a set of questions to work on reading comprehension
Reading Bear
Reading Bear is used to teach beginning readers vocabulary and concepts, and we can systematically review all the phonetic patterns of English. all the materials used are innovative to capture the attention of children. All the images are linked with audio to be more illustrative.
Epic more than a website is a reading application that is used in schools in the United States, as it is a fun way to learn and love reading. All texts are illustrated with images, we can also find video or comic so that reading does not become boring. there are texts that can be downloaded.
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